Monday, April 23, 2012

Use mobile-comp before sleep. Researchers found that the risk of insufficient sleep.

          Previous survey results emphasize the point that the light from the screen all it equipment, computers, mobile phones and Tablet may affect the health of the user.
Last American researchers team released the latest survey results Most American found with sleeping problems, recurring role is to use these professionals for a period before sleep on a regular basis.
           Believe this survey helped spark people in nation saw the need to modify the behavior of online activities. To prevent the health problems that may follow national.
Foundation for the National Sleep Foundation poll results revealed the u.s. recently found that most American people have problems sleeping, with 43% of the sample indicated that there is a problem at least insomnia 1 time per week, whereas 60% stated that there is a problem such as snore and wake quickly feel stale adoration to wake every day.
            By the Foundation ensure that the cause of the problems, sleep problems, also comes from life. Family and work wear for one to come from electronic devices. Dr. Charles Saisaloe
Professor from Harvard Medical School, however, educational groups, for example the age range 13 1508 who has reached 64 years found that most devices with screens glow seriously over time.
            Before sleep, it can be concluded that users of technology before entering certain recurring items at risk to make the user less vacation should.
           The study found that most American don't ever read a book before bed, but take to a television, computer, mobile phone and video games survey found that more than 95% use a group for example all this at least 2-3 times per week, 6 in 10        
            States that use the computer as sometimes, but more than half on teenagers to user groups, age 30 years indicates that work almost every day.In addition, approximately 1 in 10 teenagers accept that strategies to wake up all night because the sound of the phone which makes it want to talk calling. Send e-mail or send a message reply as 1 in 5 specify the alarm, because mobile phones around 2-3 times per week.
           The survey generated a spark, the American public realized the problem that may follow from the use of inappropriate technology; By pure researchers claim to most American private behaviour adjustment to prevent health problems that risk occurs if insufficient sleep leisure. An important point that American researchers claim is a behavior using black Berry of adolescents expressed that adolescents (age 13-18 years) approximately 1 in 10 do not agree shut, making this group of teenagers is BB embezzle time pills every day.
            The survey found that the device is sleeping time, average American teenagers decreased with the same 7 hours 26 minutes from the experts recommend that adolescents 9 hours 15 minutes relaxing saloe's view numbers that teenagers nowadays is less time sleeping teens strip 2 hour period before which translates that throughout the month. Time to sleep of teenagers nowadays are lost more than 50 hours.
            What happens is that the risk of incidents. Emotion family licence sexual behaviour and health, which can be followed in future sangkhomamerikan.  This research is to emphasize the Research Journal Publishing in the journal of Clinical Endocrinology.